Saturday, September 1, 2007

Thoughts On A Saturday Night

** Goodbye, and thank you, Senator Craig. I guess you couldn't bullshit your way out of this one, eh? You are a criminal. A stain on society. An additional stain on an already dirty GOP (and Senate). Oh, and good riddance, too.

** Michael Vick, I don't care how sorry you are. I don't care that you now acknowledge your "immaturity. Get thee hence, you miserable wretch, to a federal penitentiary and repay your debpt to society. You just can't go araound killing
"Man's Best Friend" and get away with it, once you had been discovered.

** To the lady pushing the wheel chair at Epcot a few days ago, that crashed the wheel chair into the back of soccergirls legs: If you weren't old and a woman, I would have punched you right in the f***ing face.

** To the parents who let your no-older-than-ten year old daughter wear a bare midriff T-shirt that read: "Hot Lover": I wish it wasn't unlawful to punch parents in the face for doing stupid shit like this. What were you thinking? Why? In what kind of world is this sort of thing, OK?

** To the ladies wearing four-inch heels at Disney World... what kind of chemicals have you been indulging in?


I will be on my way home tomorrow morning. I suppose it'll take us about 12 hours to get home, unless we decide to stop for the night.

We have had a great vacation. Between Disney World, Sea World, and other fun places, we have had a good time together, which is what our vacations are all about.

Nextweek, I will send you my vacation report. ... and get back to blogging on a few more serious issues.

In the meantime, DC area readers, prepare for happy hour next friday... if you are still available.



Anonymous said...

So GF, how do you really feel? ;-)

super des said...

Gee, sounds like you had a... great... vacation.

Just kidding, I'm sure it was a total blast, stupid people notwithstanding.

Anonymous said...

Poor Senator Craig, if he had only gotten his blowjobs in the oval office. Location, location, location.


Anonymous said...

Re the 10-yo girl's clothing -- this drives me nuts. And I've heard so many other parents say so too; yet when you try to shop for your kids -- it's so hard to find age-appropriate clothes!

Anonymous said...

PS have a safe trip home.

Gunfighter said...

Near as I can tell, EB... Bill Clinton didn't get arrested for trying to get said blowjobs from an undervocer cop... and then try to conceal it and then use his influence to quash an investigation.

Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

I don't understand parents that let their kids dress like trash...

I have a friend who allowed her teenager to dress like a slut and all she said was there was nothing she could do about it....

I don't care if Vick claims he was "immature" or "made a mistake"... he chose to torture those dogs....

Re: Craig and Clinton...

they are both selfish .... in God's eyes, they have broken a ten commandment and behaved in a disgusting way... not caring about their wives and family.

Unknown said...

Love the ears GF !!!

Overall - me thinks you had a great time:)