The administrative staff at my church was about to trash an old computer monitor that had to be replaced, but when I heard about it, I thought that another training opportunity had been placed in front of me.
I told the program director that I wanted to take it to work and shoot it up... er, use it for training purposes, she was glad to let me take it.
This is a plain ol' Dell computer monitor, the subject of today's exercise.
This is a 5.56mm, M-4 Carbine (this one has a suppressor, so it is VERY quiet when you fire it). It is a law enforcement variant of the standard military M-16A2 service rifle.
This is a 5.7x28mm, FN P-90 sub-machine gun. It was designed for the Belgian armed forces, for use by tank and ambulance crews. In American law enforcement, it is used for SWAT operations and close protection agents.
This is a standard Sig Sauer (.357 caliber), model P-229, service pistol. This one is the one I carry on duty.
The monitor with one .357 caliber bullet through it.
The monitor with one 5.56mm bullet through it.
This is the monitor (or whats left of it) with 50 rounds of 5.7x28mm armor piercing ammunition through it (all fired on automatic).
As Borat would say, "very niiice"
(Borat voice) "High five!"
I love your "shoot things up" posts. I think you should make it a regular feature.
Our of curiosity, where do you do this? Do you get many strange looks? ;)
Ah! Most excellent of experience! Veddy nice!
I, too, love the shoot'em up posts. Though they also send a chill down my spine... some big guns you got there.
I work for one of the many three-lettered law enforcement agencies in the federal government, and I am the rangemaster for my agency here in the National Capitol Region.
My office is about 25 yards from where those pictures were taken.
As for strange looks... no, not really. I go to the range and shoot things practically every day.
I suppose next week I have to shoot up something spectacular...
I'd better start working on that now.
You are my hero!
Plus, all the guns turn me on a little. What can I say...I'm a gun whore.
Great post.
Dude, you have seriously brought out my inner Beavis with these posts.
I can see next weeks post already.
Here we have my neighbors garden gnome that has been giving me the evil eye. And over here we have a standard military issue rocket launcher.
Oooooo...the anticipation!
This is your monitor. This is your monitor with a big ole bullet hole. I see an ad campaign, cottage industry maybe.
Power on.
(oddly enough word verification: powwir) hahahaha
You make me wanna shoot things, GF. Can't wait to see what's next!
I vote for making the shoot 'em up posts a regular feature. They rock pretty hard.
I'm thinking of shooting up some old body armor next week.
What do you think?
Holy crap! Scary, but fascinating! I vote for the body armor.
I haven't seen the Borat movie yet. I want to but now I really want to.
I think it would be so cool if you could shoot up a big, stuffed Barney.
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