You do?
Well I do, too. I love that song.
I have no idea what it is about, I really don't, and I don't even know all of the words, but I love it.
If you don't remember it, look to your right and click the player at mt the top of the sidebar.
It's infectious, I'm telling you.

I made soup last night... I'll post about it later once I get my pictures loaded.
wasn't that more like 20 years? Oh man just hearing the name of it gets the song stuck in my head.
C'mon, get happy!
What kind of soup? Yum.
Yup, I remember that song. The girl singing back up is from the B52s.
And, yeah, Michael Stipe is reminiscent of John Malkovich, who, by the way, I really like. He does creepy really well.
I love that song! I love pretty much all of REM earlier stuff. And what do any of their songs mean? Well, I don't mean to be that crass about it, but I do think they enjoy being somewhat unaccessible, lol.
I miss old REM. And I definitely get the Stipe/Malkovich likeness.
They did a song for Sesame Street too. "Shiny Happy Monsters" I want to sing along every time it's on.
Clearly I need to get out more.
Um, not loving that song. Gets stuck in my head and then I get definitely UNHAPPY.
I think Michael Stipe looks like Frankensteins weird, scrawny, gay kid brother.
Oh yeah I know and like that song. And like Heather I like the one they did for Sesame Street. I even posted the Shiny Happy Monsters one on my blog.
Sometimes we put it on and dance, like if the day is heading south fast.
Dance away the heartache, dance away the pain, right? LOL
No not another song that I'm know going to hear every time I turn on the radio! Again with "Band of Gold" today! Sadly, I'm quite familiar with Shiny Happy Monsters.
I can't think of it????
I can think of Don't Worry Be Happy Now...
I love that song! I had it on a cassette. Oh man, that dates it, doesn't it? :)
GF - Seven years ago I wound up in the hospital with pneumonia - and dropped to a dangerous 150 lbs on my 6'4" frame - not pretty. During the next month of recovery, I happened to catch a bit of Michael Stipe doing the Sesame Street version Shiny Happy Monsters and thought to myself, "Gee, I look a lot healthier that Stipe!"
That's when I knew I was going to be OK - It's the first thing I think of when I hear that song or see a pic of MS. Hmmmm...
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