It's Friday... and you know what that means in Gunfighterland: It's time to do some shootin'!
Cue the music!!! (click the play button!)
Our demonstration pieces today will be:
A fairly standard concrete block... old satellite receiver and a Public Address system amplifier.

I used a 12 gauge shotgun...

...and a submachine gun.

Once again, the purpose of the demonstration is to show what will and won't protect an officer from gunfire.
The concrete block will stand up to a couple of well-placed shots, with the bullets of the subgun only penetrating through one side of the block, but as you can see here...

...when the weapon is fired on full automatic, the block is completely destroyed after only three 3-round bursts.
The block easily deflected the buckshot, but the slug rounds easily penetrated both side of the block.
So. There you have it. Concrete will protect you from small arms fire, but only momentarily. If you are taking cover behind a concrete block wall, you'd best be planning your next move (or better yet, you'd better hurry up and kill your opponent), becuse your protection may not last as long as you think.
The satellite receiver and the PA amplifier are next, and as you can see below, they fared no better...

...especially against slug rounds. Please note the through-and-through nature of this particular hole:

Once again, please believe me when I tell you that I didn't have ANY fun while doing this.
Today's shoot 'em up Friday presentation was brought to you by the letter...

next week. we need video footage (and maybe a little shimmy action also)
I am glad to see that you are in law enforcement- I was getting a little concerned.....
Oooooh! No fun at all. Nope. (Hell, I think even I would have enjoyed that.) The background music was perfect!
Hmm perhaps shooting at full diapers would be really interesting!!
Ok no one ever hides behind full diapers, but maybe furniture?? You always see the guys hiding behind furniture but you just KNOW that can't possibly stop bullets!!
Wow. I would have imagined concrete to stand up better. Guess I was seriously wrong!
Also, what does "Sub-machine" mean?
Of course you didn't have any fun. You, my friend, have got to see Hot Fuzz as soon as possible. Trust me on this!
are we allowed to send you stuff to shoot? what a great way to get rid of the clutter in my basement!
Steph if you want me to shoot something, let me know and I'll tell you how to send it to me. We can make it a special feature!
I am going to keep this in mind, the next time I am engaged in small arms fire!
I'm going to have to come back every Friday and see what you shoot up next. Gosh, your blog is almost as fun as "Myth Busters".
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