I had the lovely experience of having met two of my many favorite bloggers, Janet, of On DC Rush Hour, and Suzanne of Zanne ado. Friends far and wide, I am here to tell you that nicer lunch companions can scarcely exist.
Janet lives here in Washington, DC and Suzanne was making a visit to the Virginia Theological Seminary, which isn't terribly far from where I live and work.
Here a picture of the three of us taken at the Capitol City Brewing Company, where I got to watch Janet and Suzanne eat what looked like fantastic fish and chips (I had already eaten lunch).

Pictured left to right are: Suzanne, Gunfighter, and Janet.
I tried my best to live up to my name, and arrive at our meeting place looking menacing, intimidating, and mean... by the time our lunch was over, it was clear that I had failed... all I had managed to pull off was "adorable" (yes, that was the word. I was SO embarrassed!).
I have every intention of meeting these lovely ladies again some day, and I look forward to meeting so many of the rest of you... as long as you don't show up with a chain saw, or a knife, pepper spray, and steel hammer.
Dear Mr. Adorable Gunman,
You totally rock--in a don't-mess-with-me-I'm-a-total-tough-guy
gun-toting(although not at this lunch--though that knife was pretty scary) -don't-make-me-hurt-you kind of way (which doesn't discount the uncontrollable urge to pinch your cheeks and give you a big hug around the neck! :D
Adorable? Yeah, I can believe that! (Sorry if that undermines the whole Gunfighter persona!)
I knew it!! You're a teddy bear at heart. 'course we already knew that from the way you talk about your daughter.
Sigh. I am jealous. I was just looking at the picture of you, Clare and I at the Hawk and Dove yesterday. I can't wait to see you again. Roll on May.
Sadly Gunfighter, I'm afraid it's true. You're just too adorable for words. I know you were going for that macho, don't-mess-with-me-I'm-the-Gunfighter thing, but it wasn't happening. Suzanne and I could see right through you!
P.S. Folks... the GF-Man showed up in his favorite Australian rugby team shirt--the Wallabies. And he's every bit as cuddly wuddly as he looks in the picture!
(Oops. Did I just use cuddly AND wuddly in the same sentence to describe the Gunfighter?! I am so in trouble now!)
I like meeting blog buddies in person. It's so much easier than having to explain yourself - they already know you and like you.
I'm glad you had a good meetup.
That looks so fun! And hate to say it, but you do look pretty adorable to me too! : )
Oh and I did the Book Meme!
Sounds like a fun lunch! I have yet to meet any blogging friends face to face, but I'd love to someday. Looks like it was a great time.
That looks like fun, us local bloggers should arrange for dinner or something one of these days.
Such a cute picture!
We should, Tasha!... we should plan for early spring.
Don't worry man - you still scare the hell outta me.
In that cute cuddly wuddly kinda way.
It's like being blasted by that teddy bear on the Snuggle fabric softner commercials.
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