Well, I love Canada. I really do. By now, you have probably already noticed that I have a deep interest in unusual things, so this shouldn't really shock you. Now, I don't mean to suggest that Canada is unusual, but it is different from where we live, here, in the less northern part of "North" America.
Oddly enough, most Americans never spend much time talking about Canada. Think about it… how much Canadian history did you learn in high-school? None, I'll bet... and for most of us, when does Canada ever come up in conversation... I mean, outside of a discussion about Bob and Doug MacKenzie (yes, I'm showing my age here).
How many of you have ever seen any Canadian television shows? Damned few, I'll bet, unless you, like my dear friend Janet O, lives somewhere near the border. Isn't that bizarre? How can it not strike you as strange, that we have a television channel in America that is a vehicle for showing British programming (BBC America, which I love), but no Canadian programming is shown here… Wait, I take that back… have any of you ever seen DaVinci's inquest? Canadian.
There are other Canadian shows that used to be shown here in the U.S. on a channel called Trio, on DirecTV. I used to watch a show called "Street Legal", which was a lawyer show set in Toronto. There was also a great show that was called Black Harbour, set in Nova Scotia, about a family that moved back to the wife/mother's hometown with her American husband and children, from many years spent in Los Angeles. It was a pretty cool show.
There is more to my love of Canada than television… there are other things… things like the number of Canadians that live among us without our notice. People like the late Peter Jennings, Sandra Oh, Mike Myers, Michael J. Fox, Natalie MacMaster, Oscar Peterson, Jim Carey, Matthew Perry and of course, one of my favorite actors… William Shatner.
I am also rather taken with Canadian money. Canadian money makes a little more sense than ours does. I like the fact that the bills aren't all the same color. I like the fact that the Canadians have, sensibly, gotten rid of dollar bills in favor of one and two dollar coins.

Pretty cool, eh?
I also enjoy learning about Canadian history… especially as it pertains to so many important things in the early history of our own republic… and if you don't believe me, check the history of that unfortunate little dust-up that we commonly refer to as the War of 1812.
There are a few things about Canada that I don't like, though. Things like Celine Dione, Pamela Anderson, and a rude little cow named Prunelle, who worked in the McDonald's located in the Montreal train station, back in 1998. I'll tell you the story some day.
Did you know that I can sing all of the words to the Canadian National Anthem? I can… but only the first verse, and only in english.
Did you know that my friend Janet lives in Michigan, and went to McGill University? I'll bet you didn't know THAT, didja? She went to the same school as William Shatenr... how cool is that>?!?! Did you know that fellow bloggers, Trish and Zanne are Canadian? Zanne is a transplant, and Trish still lives in the great white north. How can a country that produces folks like them NOT be a pretty cool place?
I have many online friends from Canada, here is what is probably an abbreviated list...; I'll try not to leave anyone out:
Robot Johnny
Bud The Spud
Elena (she of the ...... dots....)
(please forgive if I have left anyone out)
Well, enough about Canada for today... I could go on and on, but I won't, mainly because I have a class to teach this morning.
So, when you are out and about today, give a thought about Canada... our northern neighbors. There are some good folks up there.
VERY good folks. And then there's good Canadian music like Moxy Fruvous, Alannis Morissette and Barenaked Ladies (to go with the great actors from up north). Tim Horton's coffee, maple syrup and some of the best friends I've ever had.
I've never been to Canada, but I'm dying to go. It seems so picturesque, and the sounds kind of like America, but without the "ugly Americans" - you know? I'd love to visit.
I used to go to Canada all the time as a kid, and when I turned 19 we ran amok around Montréal and Old Québec. It's funny, I can only sing the Canadian anthem in French. Tim Horton's is the best! About the Canadian television though, most of the shows on HGTV and a lot on TLC, Discovery (including Discovery Health), and Style are the ending credits and you'll see the obligatory film credit information.
I intend to visit our norther neighbor this summer. How are they up there regarding African Americans? I know that Canada has a different history with that than the US, but anytime I visit another country its a question I ask (when I can)
Welcome, Stuntmother!
I applaud you for doing all of your own stunts!
I didn't include Canadian musicians only because there were too many to name.
I have been to Montreal, Vancouver, and Victoria. I truly loved Vancouver, and I think that it is the only place north of Washington, DC that I would ever consider moving to.
Tasha, you are right about those shows... the same holds true on FITTV... the show Getting Fit with Sharon Mann comes to mind. The first time I saw that show and heard the accent, I knew!
As best as I can tell, just fine. Your mileage may vary... as I have only been to Canada twice, both times for short visits... just the same, I'd go back again in a minute.
I went to Ottawa and it was very diverse. I had a great time in Canada even if it was just overnight with a 10 hour road trip each day (we picked someone up from the airport).
I went with a friend who lived in Canada for a few years and when she told me that the $1 coin was called a Loonie and the $2 coin was called a Toonie, I refused to believe her for the longest time.
The news in Canada is much more positive too.
OH Gunfighter you are my hero!!!! What a lovely tribute to my home and native land!!!!
And people, I can vouch for his being able to sing the national anthem!
You made my night!!
And in honor of said gracious chivalry and righteous appreciation, I now dub thee
*Honorary Canadian!*
Homorary Canadian?
Some good, eh?!
Thanks, Zanne!
Uh, yeah, that too! ;)
Bob and Doug MacKenzie? As in "Strange Brew?" TAKE OFF!
Love them. Love them.
I agree. Canada is pretty cool.
We love you too, gunfighter man.
One other thing to remember is that Canada's really big.
I actually DO watch Canadian tv shows, but only because they seem to have a lot of kids' cartoons out there that have made their way to US cable channels. My kids love the Backyardigans (a Canadian cartoon). But Canadian history? Um...I know that their Thanksgiving is in October, but that's about it.
Thanks, Bill. I had somehow completely lost track of Bud the Spud. I didn't even know he was married. I have now bookmarked his blog so I won't lose him again.
I do need to learn some Canadian history and explore more of the country. I love Montreal and actually went there for a major birthday - the big 40! It was a great weekend! And I had the best food ever!
Thanks for the insight on Canada. I have been to Niagra Falls on mine & Leslie's honeymoon but that is about it.
Just gambled and visited the wax museums and the IMAX theater.
I would like to visit Vancouver someday however.
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